Frequently asked questions
Where should I stay?
We list a few hotels on the lodging section of the website. The Harbor East/Fells Point area are most convenient to the James Joyce and Creative Alliance, Mount Vernon/Charles Village/Mount Washington areas are most convenient to Hampden. There aren't really any hotels close to where the workshops are. White Marsh and Towson/Timonium are suburban areas that have inexpensive hotels if you don't want to stay in the city. Friday night and Saturday daytime events take place on the northeast part of the city, Saturday evening takes place in the southeast, and all day Sunday will take place in the Hampden neighborhood which is fairly central/north.
Do I need a car to get around?
We highly recommend a car as the events are fairly spread out and Baltimore public transportation isn't the best. If this isn't possible, you could use Uber or Lyft.
Do I need experience to participate?
No! While the majority of students are usually experienced, we love welcoming new people into the Irish traditional music community. When choosing your workshops note that those that say 'Open to all levels' are all open to complete beginners, and Sunday also will feature repertoire classes for both instruments and songs, as well as lectures that all players can enjoy.