We need your help!
While some funds are raised from event registrations and admissions, they only cover a fraction of our costs. We depend on individual donations to ensure our instructors and performers are fairly compensated, and to cover miscellaneous expenses and administrative costs.
All donations are made through the Baltimore Irish Music School, a 501(c)3 nonprofit, and are tax deductible.
Donors of $100 or more will be acknowledged in our Program Guide under the following contribution levels:
Chieftain Level: $1,000 or more
Goes towards compensating our amazing staff of performers and teachers coming from around the U.S.
Performer Level: $500-$999
Covers airfare for an out of town musician
Ceili Level: $250-$499
Goes towards compensating our exceptional local performers and session leaders at Trad Fest
Session Level: $101 - $249
Covers a staff meal
Fan Level: up to $100
Supports administrative costs, website maintenance and marketing